The Health & Housing Consortium

Uniting New York City’s healthcare, housing, and homeless services systems to better serve New Yorkers in need.

Featured Events

  • Training: Barriers in Health and Housing for LGBTQ+ Youth (Thurs 3/20, 1-3pm)

    Please join the Health and Housing Consortium for a training in improving health equity and housing stability for LGBTQ+ youth. The training will be facilitated by Finn Brigham, the Vice President of Programs at the Callen-Lorde Community Health Center. The training will review best practices in outreach, intake, and services for LGBTQ+ youth. The training will also review barriers this community faces to accessing affirming health and housing services and how best to address them. Finally participants will be given tools in order to improve their services for LGBTQ+ youth.

  • Training: Domestic and Gender Based Violence — Laying the Foundation (Tues 4/15, 10am-12pm)

    This training focuses on defining the forms of domestic and gender-based violence (DV/GBV), using social definitions to capture the experiences of everyone who has been impacted by these issues. Participants engage in discussions on the role that systemic oppression plays in creating and perpetuating these forms of harm, as well as in creating additional barriers for survivors who have marginalized identities. Participants will learn key concepts of person-centered and trauma and culturally responsive approaches to enhance overall service delivery. Participants will also learn how to utilize person-centered and trauma and culturally responsive approaches to respond to disclosures and engage survivors of DV/GBV.

Our Work

New Yorkers with both health and housing needs often cycle between hospitals, shelters, and the street.

Yet the city’s healthcare, homeless services, and housing systems lack the coordination, training, and resources to provide better care.

The Consortium is bridging these divides to improve outcomes for all.

  • Trainings

    Strengthening NYC’s healthcare & housing workforces with first-rate trainings and resources

  • Collaboration

    Connecting people across healthcare & housing to break down barriers and address challenges

  • Advocacy

    Reforming the systems to improve outcomes for New Yorkers with unmet health and housing needs

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