Consulting + Technical Assistance
The Consortium specializes in providing consulting and technical assistance to a diverse range of clients, including hospitals, housing providers, and community-based organizations. With strong capabilities and experience in research, program design, strategy, and community engagement, we deliver tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each project.
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“The Health and Housing Consortium has been a valuable thought partner in designing and developing two vital new initiatives to reach the vulnerable folks that we serve. They are a vital resource in the rapidly evolving nexus of health and housing. Their team produces high quality work which has not only been praised by funders, but also returned to again and again as we build on the work done in consultation with them.”
John Betts, LMSW | Assistant Vice President, Program Development & Innovation | Breaking Ground
Improving Outcomes for High-Acuity New Yorkers in Supportive Housing
The Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) received a three-year grant to examine gaps and opportunities to support “high acuity” tenants to thrive in supportive housing and identify opportunities for those in our homeless systems to enter supportive housing. Through a cross-sector approach, the project is engaging with non-profits, city agencies, and people with lived experience of homelessness. Ultimately, there will be an “Enhancing Care for High-Acuity New Yorkers Pilot” RFP available to organizations serving this population.
In partnership with CSH and The Supportive Housing Network of NY (The Network), the Consortium is leading focus groups and health-related conversations, and compiling data to inform the RFP process. The Consortium is also a part of an Advisory Committee that meets on a regular basis to talk about best practices and who we should engage to learn more about the complex needs of people experiencing homelessness or needing enhanced care in supportive housing.
Social Care for All Needs Medical Education (SCAN ME) Academy
The Health & Housing Consortium is contracted to work with Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) to develop the Social Care for All Needs Medical Education (SCAN ME) Academy, a project funded by the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation. The SCAN ME Academy provides medical educators with educational materials to train medical students and residents on social determinants of health (SDH), social care needs (SCN), and strategies to ensure proper communication with diverse populations.
Over a two-year period, GNYHA is developing and evaluating six short virtual learning modules that trains medical students and residents to address the SDH and SCNs common in low-income communities across New York. The Consortium is a designated advisor on the housing-related modules and also identified individuals with lived experience of homelessness or housing insecurity to provide critical input on the education modules.
Occupational Therapy Research and Program Design
Breaking Ground received funding from the Samuels Foundation for a planning grant to assess appropriate measures to integrate occupational therapy (OT) into supportive and affordable housing settings for older adults. The promise of occupational therapy in supportive housing has been gaining attention in recent years and they are interested in bringing their expertise to this space in a concerted way.
The Health & Housing Consortium works as an advising consultant to support the literature review and final report, and to be a thought partner, particularly around potential subcontractors and long-term funding sources.
Cluster Care Planning Report and Program Design Plan
Breaking Ground contracted with The Health & Housing Consortium to consult on their planning grant to establish a cluster care model of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) support for clients in their Safe Havens. In addition to serving as a thought partner for program development, the Consortium provided the background research and literature review for the project.
Committees We Serve On:
Redstone Strategy Group/Convergent Impact Housing for Health Collaborative Advisor
CAPS Steering Committee
COVID-19 Hotel Intervention for People Experiencing Homelessness (CHIP) Study Advisory Board
Anthos Home Advisory Board
Spring Bank Community Advisory Board
HITE Advisory Group